Friday, September 3, 2010

2 September 2010

Can I get a little sympathy here ?????
Sometimes being in the minority is good. Sometimes being the only female is an advantage. But tonight it wasn't. My usually sweet husband took the male side. A wasp had gotten in the house from the front door jam and he stung me. I threw my phone down and screamed. Did they come to my rescue? No, they sat there and laughed at me. When they saw the bite and the redness and the swelling, they were a little sympathetic. Every time that I get stung, the reaction is worse. Last time, we lived in Myrtle Beach and I had to go to the ER. Something stung my arm and breast. They were both red and swollen like a blister was on them. So, when the wasp got me tonight, I panicked. I put Benadryl gel on it and ice. Hopefully, it will not give me problems this weekend. Later, I found him and now he is in the commode, ready to be flushed to the septic tank. At least he won't get me again. Now, I am having shooting pains in that arm. Time for bed. At least if I'm asleep, it won't be hurting. Night ya'll, Lynn

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry you got stung! My Grandparents used damp tobacco when I got stung and it drew out the poison and really worked!
    I actually have a butterfly bath that I got from Dollar General, I have it near my rose bush but may move it near my zinnias.



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Iva, South Carolina, United States
I am a pastor's wife, a mom, and a nurse. I love being a nurse, I can't imagine being anything else!!